

Who do I call at Blue Valley for questions about...
General Benefits/Resources, Total Employee Wellbeing, Community Partnerships, Employee Relations, Benefits Continuation/Leaving Employment
Laura Mack, Senior HR Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4235
Fax: (913) 239-4157
M-F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00 am – 5:00 pm)
General Benefits/Resources, Total Employee Wellbeing, Community Partnerships, Employee Relations, Benefits Continuation/Leaving Employment
Shaianne Jefferson, Senior HR Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4212
Fax: (913) 239-4157
M-F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00 am – 5:00 pm)
FMLA, Leave of Absence (LOA), General Benefits
Audrey Wilson, Benefits Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4674
Fax: (913) 239-4157
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00am - 5:00pm)
​All areas related to employee benefits including KPERS and 403(b), 457(b), and retirement questions
Dr. Jennifer Spencer, Director of HR: Employee Benefits
Phone: (913) 239-4671
Fax: (913) 239-4157
M-F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00 am – 5:00 pm)
KPERS Retirement, General Benefits
Julie Hill, Compliance and Benefits Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4628
Fax: (913) 239-4157
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00am - 5:00pm)
Benefit Deductions, Coordinator of Premium Payments, Payment Arrangements
Joanne Hayes, Payroll Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4233
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00am - 5:00pm)
Contract Payouts
Diane Willey, Payroll Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4351
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00am - 5:00pm)
Bank Account Changes/Routing Issues
Kathy Florio, Payroll Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4310
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00am - 5:00pm)
Update Information Due to Move or Name Change
Katie Mitchum, HR Specialist
Phone: (913) 239-4672
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (Summer Hours: M-TH 7:00am - 5:00pm)
Assistance with Log In Credentials to the Benefits Administration System
BV Care Desk
Phone: (913) 239-4080
Customer Service:
(800) 234-3375
Group Number: 1698
Network: PPO
Customer Service:
(866) 818-8805
FAX: (866) 293-7373
Group Number: 1698
Network: Access

Kansas College Savings Plan
Customer Service:
(800) 579-2203
Customer Service:
(800) 755-5801
User Name/Password Support:
(877) 348-3365
Transfer Support:
(800) 275-8714

Below you will find a list of important notices. Please read through them as some of the notices may directly affect you now, while others will be more important at other times in your life. Many of the notices are required by law and it is important to keep track of these forms whether they apply to you at this time or not.
To view each notice please click on the link below.
2025 Notices
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) & Medicaid Premium Assistance Notice
Creditable Coverage Medicare Part -D Notice (applies to all health insurance plans)


FMLA / Leave of Absence
FMLA Overview
Employees may need an extended period of time away from work to care for an eligible family member, or to recuperate from a serious health condition, or due to a qualifying military family leave. If you find yourself in these circumstances, you may request paid and/or unpaid leave under the terms of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) as provided for by Federal law.
FMLA Eligibility
You may be eligible for this type of leave if you meet the following criteria:
You are currently employed with the District;
You have worked for the District for at least 12 months; and
You have worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months.
Other leave options may be available if you are NOT eligible for or do not qualify for FMLA.
Contact Audrey Wilson in the Blue Valley HR Benefits Department once you become aware of the need for leave or by the 3rd day of an absence due to you or a family member’s accident, illness or qualifying military family event.
NOTE: You still need to follow normal call-in procedures for your Department to report absences in addition to contacting Audrey Wilson at (913) 239-4674 or via email:

Blue Valley Schools provide benefit options available to covered employees upon an approved Leave of Absence (LOA), Retirement, or Termination. The options available to covered employees consist of all of the benefits offered to active employees with the exception of Short Term Disability/Term Life Insurance unless these benefits were selected as an active employee.
Once the district’s coverage for health, dental, vision and the Flexible Spending Plan cease, you may elect to continue Blue Valley group health insurance benefits under COBRA provisions provided for by Federal Law. Employees who elect KPERS retirement at the time of termination may elect COBRA or State Continuation (if eligible). Continuation of coverage may also be available under an approved unpaid Leave of Absence.
BV Term Life Insurance- The Standard
For more information on continuing your life insurance coverage with Portability and Conversion, please contact The Standard at: 800-378-4668
Click Here for Portability and Conversion Options.

Employees working in KPERS covered positions, regularly scheduled to work 630 hours or more, are eligible for membership in the State retirement plan known as KPERS. If eligible, employee participation is mandatory. Several changes have occurred for KPERS members effective July 1, 2017.
KPERS Service Credit & Retirement
KPERS provides a retirement benefit for eligible members who are vested in the system. You vest after 5 years of KPERS service credit. You may be able to purchase service credit, including: forfeited KPERS service; out-of-state service; and military service. You can access your member account at: If you have questions, please contact KPERS at their toll-free number: M – F, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, toll-free at 1-888-275-5737.
For assistance in purchasing eligible KPERS service credit and completing the KPERS retirement application process, contact Jennifer Spencer at: or at 913-239-4671. For information related to KPERS retirement, go to:
Life Insurance
KPERS membership includes basic group life insurance equal to 150% of your annual salary. The district pays for the cost of this benefit. You will need to designate beneficiaries for your retirement and life insurance benefits. Contingent beneficiaries may also be named. Login to your KPERS account at to complete and submit the beneficiary form.
Portability and Conversion
Conversion and Portability Election forms, for your KPERS group life insurance, explain the benefits and costs for each option. You can get these forms by downloading them at
Questions? Contact KPERS M - F, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, toll-free at 1-888-275-5737.
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
If you are an active KPERS member and become disabled, you may qualify for disability benefits under the terms and conditions of the KPERS long-term disability plan. If approved, you may be eligible for a disability benefit equal to 60% of base annual salary. The minimum monthly benefit is $100, and the maximum is $5,000. Benefits for approved claims begin after 180 days of continuous total disability or the date you stop drawing compensation from the District, if later.
The Benefits Department will help you start the claims processing by notifying KPERS. Once KPERS verifies your benefit eligibility, you will receive a claims packet direct from KPERS’ third-party administrator towards the end of your 180-day waiting period.
Questions? Contact Audrey Wilson, Blue Valley Benefits Specialist at or 913-239-4674.
For more detailed information, please click the Benefit Guide link at the top of the page.

Below you will find information regarding your Medicare benefits if you are a covered employee or covered spouse reaching age 65.
Covered Employee Reaching Age 65
There should not be any penalties for having both the BlueKC and Medicare coverage if you choose to continue coverage under the District’s policy. The District’s policy provides creditable prescription drug coverage as defined by Federal law. The updated Creditable Coverage Notice is available on the Benefits Website under the Tab titled: Health / Important Notices.
You may want to consider enrolling in Medicare Part A effective the first of the month in which you attain age 65, even if you choose to continue your coverage under the District’s health insurance. However, if you plan to continue working at the District beyond age 65 and plan to be enrolled in the District’s BlueKC policy, you are permitted to delay enrolling in Medicare until employment with the District ends and you subsequently lose eligibility for the District’s BlueKC policy. If you are participating in the Health Savings Account (HSA) and would like to continue making contributions to your HSA, please be aware that enrollment in any part of Medicare (even Part A) makes you ineligible for HSA contributions.
HSA participants: To avoid tax penalties, if you enroll in Medicare when it is first available (typically the first of the month in which you turn age 65), then you should stop all HSA contributions in the month prior to your Medicare effective date. If you delay Medicare enrollment, then you should stop all HSA contributions at least six months prior to your Medicare effective date.
If you decide to drop the District’s BlueKC health insurance policy, then you would also want to sign up for Medicare Parts A, B, D and likely a Medicare Supplement policy or Medicare Advantage. It is recommended that you compare the Medicare plan benefits and costs to the District’s plan benefits and costs.
Medicare has a great website to obtain this information: Or you can call Medicare at (800) 633-4227. You can obtain personalized health insurance counseling by calling (800) 860-5260 if you reside in Kansas, or (800) 390-3330 if you reside in Missouri. You can also make an appointment with the local Social Security office if you prefer. The toll-free number for Social Security is: (800) 772-1213.
Turning 65 and becoming eligible for Medicare is treated as a Qualifying Life Changing Event, which opens a 31-day window from the date that you become enrolled in Medicare (when first eligible) to apply to make changes to your benefits. To apply to make changes to your benefits, call the Blue Valley Benefits Help Center at 844-239-0434, M-F anytime from 8:30am-5:00pm.
Covered Spouse Reaching Age 65
Your covered spouse may continue enrollment the District’s health insurance coverage at age 65 if so chosen (as long as you remain enrolled also). The District’s health plan would be primary and Medicare would be secondary. There should not be any penalties for having both the BlueKC and Medicare coverage if you decide to continue you and your spouse’s coverage under the District’s policy since the District’s policy provides creditable prescription drug coverage as defined by Federal law. The updated Creditable Coverage Notice is available on the Benefits Website under the Tab titled: Health / Important Notices.
Your spouse may want to consider enrolling in Medicare Part A effective the first of the month in which he or she attains age 65, even if you choose to continue to cover your spouse under the District’s health insurance.
If you decide to drop your spouse from the District’s health insurance policy, then he/she would also want to sign up for Medicare Parts A, B, D and likely a Medicare Supplement policy or Medicare Advantage. It is recommended that you compare the Medicare plan benefits and costs to the District’s plan benefits and costs.
Medicare has a great website to obtain this information: . Or you can call Medicare at (800) 633-4227. You can obtain personalized health insurance counseling by calling (800) 860-5260 if you reside in Kansas, or (800) 390-3330 if you reside in Missouri. You can also make an appointment with the local Social Security office if you prefer. The toll-free number for Social Security is: (800) 772-1213.
Turning 65 and becoming eligible for Medicare is treated as a Qualifying Life Changing Event, which opens a 31-day window from the date that you become enrolled in Medicare (when first eligible) to apply to make changes to your benefits. To apply to make changes to your benefits, call the Blue Valley Benefits Help Center at 844-239-0434, M-F anytime from 8:30am-5:00pm.